

14 April 2022


Kojima G, Iliffe S, Taniguchi Y, Shimada H, Rakugi H, & Walters K (2017) Prevalence of frailty in Japan: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Epidemiology, 27(8), 347-353.

日本のフレイル: 系統レビューとメタ分析

Journal of Epidemiology: Impact Factor = 3.691 (2019)

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  • システマティックレビューとメタ分析
  • ランダム化比較試験
  • コホート研究


Gotaro Kojima

ORCIDとは、研究者のデータベース。ORCID ID を取得しておくと、自分で出版した論文などを管理することができる。

日本限定の researchmap というサービスも、ORCID データを参照している。


  • 日本は、他のどの国よりも急速に高齢化
  • フレイルが重要な課題
  • 日本の65歳以上の地域在住高齢者におけるフレイルの有病率を報告した2000年以降に発表されたあらゆる研究を対象に、
  • 11の電子データベースの系統的文献検索
  • 合計1529件の研究が同定され、5件の研究をレビュー

Japan’s population is aging more rapidly than that of any other country. Frailty has recently been recognized as an important priority. Understanding the basic epidemiology of frailty in Japan, which is an example of a rapidly aging society, will be beneficial for Japan as well as other countries expecting an aging population. A systematic literature search of 11 electronic databases was conducted in March 2016 using a comprehensive set of Medical Subject Heading and text terms for any studies published in 2000 or later that report the prevalence of frailty among Japanese community-dwelling older people aged 65 years or older. A total of 1529 studies were identified in the systematic search, of which five studies were included in this review. …


  • 文献を、データベースなどを使ってくまなく調査すること
  • レビュアーが重要だと思う文献に絞ってレビューすること

  • pool: メタ分析等で、複数の研究に共通する同一のアウトカムを統合し計算しなおすこと
  • heterogeneity: 異質性。複数の研究に共通する同一のアウトカムの値にばらつきがあること
  • stratify: 層別化。対象者の背景でいくつかの層別化してサブグループ解析を行うこと


  • 約3.7%
  • 約7.4%
  • 約11.1%

… The pooled prevalence of frailty, prefrailty, and robustness was 7.4% (95% confidence interval [CI], 6.1%–9.0%), 48.1% (95% CI, 41.6%–54.8%), and 44.4% (95% CI, 37.2%–51.7%), respectively. A significant degree of heterogeneity was observed. There was no evidence of publication bias. Age-stratified meta-analyses of four studies showed the pooled prevalence of frailty was 1.9%, 3.8%, 10.0%, 20.4%, and 35.1% for those aged 65–69, 70–74, 75–79, 80–84, and ≥85 years, respectively. Pooled prevalence of frailty was 8.1% for women and 7.6% for men. This review showed an overall pooled prevalence of frailty among Japanese community-dwelling older people of 7.4%. The age-stratified analysis suggested that Japanese older people are less frail before their late 70’s but frailer in later life than older people in other countries. These findings provide important basic information for all parties involved in Japanese frailty research.

  • フレイル、プレフレイル、頑健 (robust)の統合有病率は、それぞれ7.4%(95%信頼区間[CI]、6.1~9.0%)、48.1%(95%CI、41.6~54.8%)、44.4%(95%CI、37.2~51.7%)
  • 出版バイアスの証拠はなかった
  • 日本の地域在住高齢者におけるフレイルの統合有病率は全体で7.4%
  • 日本の高齢者は70歳代後半まではフレイルが少ないが、それ以降は他国の高齢者に比べてフレイルが多い


Because Japan has the world’s highest life expectancy and a persistently low birth rate, Japan’s population is aging more rapidly than that of any other country.1 The proportion of people aged 65 years and older was approximately 10% in 1985. This proportion doubled to 21% in 2007, making Japan a hyper-aged society.2, 3 The latest governmental provisional estimates report that as much as 26.7% of the Japanese population were over 65 years old in 2015.4 This rate is much higher than in other developed countries: 17% in the United Kingdom, 14% in the United States, 9% in China, 21% in Germany, 19% in France, 22% in Italy, and 16% in Canada.3 By 2060, Japan is expected to far exceed the current understanding of a hyper-aged society, when 40% of the entire population will be aged 65 years or over.5 With the increasing number of older people in Japan, there is expected to be a substantial increase in health care and social security costs.


  • H. Arai, Y. Ouchi, K. Toba, et al. Japan as the front-runner of super-aged societies: perspectives from medicine and medical care in Japan, Geriatr Gerontol Int, 15 (2015), pp. 673-687 (in Eng)
  • K. Rockwood, X. Song, C. MacKnight, et al. A global clinical measure of fitness and frailty in elderly people, CMAJ, 173 (2005), pp. 489-495 in Eng
  • G. Kojima, Prevalence of frailty in nursing homes: a systematic review and meta-analysis, J Am Med Dir Assoc, 16 (2015), pp. 940-945 (in Eng)
  • 日本は世界一の長寿国であり、少子化が続いているため、他のどの国よりも急速に高齢化が進んでいる。1
  • 政府の最新の暫定推計によると、2015年には日本の人口の26.7%が65歳以上となり、この割合は他の先進国よりはるかに高くなっている。4
  • イギリス17%、アメリカ14%、中国9%、ドイツ21%、フランス19%、イタリア22%、カナダ16%と、他の先進国と比べてもかなり高い。3
  • 2060年には、全人口の40%が65歳以上となる。5
  • 1 H. Arai, Y. Ouchi, K. Toba, et al. Japan as the front-runner of super-aged societies: perspectives from medicine and medical care in Japan, Geriatr Gerontol Int, 15 (2015), pp. 673-687 (in Eng)
  • 2 Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Japan), Statistics Bureau, Japan Statistical Yearbook, Chapter 2 Population and Households [homepage on the Internet]; c2016. Available from:: http://www.stat.go.jp/english/data/nenkan/1431-02.htm.
  • 3 K. Rockwood, X. Song, C. MacKnight, et al. A global clinical measure of fitness and frailty in elderly people, CMAJ, 173 (2005), pp. 489-495 in Eng
  • 4 Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Japan), Statistics Bureau, Provisional Estimates [homepage on the Internet]; c2016. Available from:: http://www.stat.go.jp/data/jinsui/pdf/201603.pdf.
  • 5 National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (Japan), Population & Household Projection, Population Projection for Japan: 2011-2060, Summary of Population Trends [homepage on the Internet]; c2012. Available from:: http://www.ipss.go.jp/site-ad/index_english/esuikei/econ2.html.

disability: 障害
fall: 転倒
hospitalization: 入院
instituionalizaion: 施設入所
dementia: 認知症
quality of life: 生活の質
mortality: 死亡率

The Japanese government has already begun to prepare for this challenging issue.6 It has started to attempt to adapt society in order to maximize older people’s health and to facilitate healthy aging via maintaining their functional capacity and preventing disability and dependence.7 One of the campaign targets is frailty.8 Frailty is a state of vulnerability to poor resolution of homeostasis when exposed to a stressor event as a consequence of age-related cumulative deficits across multiple physiological systems.9 It is considered a pre-disability state and is associated with various negative health outcomes, including falls, hospitalization, institutionalization, fracture, disability, dementia, lower quality of life, and mortality.9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 The most widely used definition of frailty is the frailty phenotype proposed by Fried et al. using data from the Cardiovascular Health Study.17 They recognized frailty as a distinct clinical syndrome using a set of five physical phenotypic components: unintentional weight loss, exhaustion, weakness, slow walking speed, and low physical activity with an underlying biological basis.17 In the Fried criteria, an individual is classified as frail, prefrail, and robust when they meet ≥3, 1–2, and 0 of the components, respectively.17

Quiz Fried et al. の frailty の基準は、別名として何と言われているか?

  • KCL
  • CHS 基準
  • フレイルは、加齢に伴う複数の生理学的システムにわたる脆弱な状態。9
  • 転倒、入院、施設収容、骨折、障害、認知症、生活の質の低下、死亡率と関連。9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
  • 意図しない体重減少、疲労困憊、衰弱、歩行速度の低下、身体活動の低下という5つの身体的表現型要素を用いフレイルを定義 17
  • Fried 基準では、構成要素5つのうち3以上をフレイル、1〜2をプレフレイル、0を頑健 (robust)と分類。17
  • 6 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japan) [homepage on the Internet]; c2015. Available from:: http://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/org/pamphlet/dl/pamphlet-about_mhlw.pdf.
  • 7 N. Muramatsu, H. Akiyama Japan: super-aging society preparing for the future, Gerontologist, 51 (2011), pp. 425-432 (in Eng)
  • 8 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japan), 89th Social Security Council Medical Insurance Subcommittee Minutes (Japanese) [homepage on the Internet]; c2015. Available from: http://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/shingi2/0000099462.html.
  • 9 A. Clegg, J. Young, S. Iliffe, M.O. Rikkert, K. Rockwood Frailty in elderly people, Lancet, 381 (2013), pp. 752-762 (in Eng)
  • 10 G. Kojima, Frailty as a predictor of future falls among community-dwelling older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis J Am Med Dir Assoc, 16 (2015), pp. 1027-1033 (in Eng)
  • 11 G. Kojima, Frailty as a predictor of hospitalisation among community-dwelling older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis, J Epidemiol Community Health, 70 (2016), pp. 722-729 (in Eng)
  • 12 G. Kojima, Frailty as a predictor of fractures among community-dwelling older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Bone, 90 (2016), pp. 116-122 (in Eng)
  • 13 G. Kojima, Frailty as a predictor of nursing home placement among community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis, J Geriatr Phys Ther (2016) (in Eng)
  • 14 G. Kojima, Frailty as a predictor of disabilities among community-dwelling older people: a systematic review and meta-analysisDisabil Rehabil (2016)
  • 15 , G. Kojima, Y. Taniguchi, S. Iliffe, K. Walters, Frailty as a predictor of Alzheimer disease, vascular dementia, and all dementia among community-dwelling older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis, J Am Med Dir Assoc, 17 (2016), pp. 881-888 (in Eng)
  • 16 G. Kojima, S. Iliffe, S. Jivraj, K. Walters, Association between frailty and quality of life among community-dwelling older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis J Epidemiol Community Health, 70 (2016), pp. 716-721 (in Eng)
  • 17 L.P. Fried, C.M. Tangen, J. Walston, et al., Frailty in older adults: evidence for a phenotype, J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 56 (2001), pp. M146-M156 (in Eng)

page 348

intervention: 介入
outcome: アウトカム(スクリーニング等に使われる指標)

Given the detrimental physical and psychological impact of frailty on older people, as well as its potential reversibility,18, 19 frailty may be a promising target of interventions.9 Frail older people, who are not highly fit but not completely disabled, are the population likely to benefit most from such interventions.20 In this regard, frailty can be an important outcome, for which it is worth exploring the modifiable risk factors or predictors to be addressed for prevention.21 Therefore, understanding the basic epidemiology of frailty in older people is essential for clinicians, researchers, and policymakers to further pursue frailty research and support.22, 23

  • フレイルは可逆であり、18, 19 有望な介入対象となりうる。9
  • フレイルの基本疫学を理解することが不可欠である。22, 23
  • 18 Lee J.S., Auyeung T.W., Leung J., Kwok T., Woo J. Transitions in frailty states among community-living older adults and their associated factors. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2014;15:281–286. (in Eng)
  • 19 Lanziotti Azevedo da Silva S., Campos Cavalcanti Maciel A., de Sousa Maximo Pereira L., Domingues Dias J.M., Guimaraes de Assis M., Correa Dias R. Transition patterns of frailty syndrome in comunity-dwelling elderly individuals: a longitudinal study. J Frailty Aging. 2015;4:50–55. (in Eng)
  • 20 L. Ferrucci, J.M. Guralnik, S. Studenski, L.P. Fried, G.B. Cutler Jr., J.D. Walston Designing randomized, controlled trials aimed at preventing or delaying functional decline and disability in frail, older persons: a consensus report, J Am Geriatr Soc, 52 (2004), pp. 625-634, (in Eng)
  • 21 F. Lally, P., Crome Understanding frailty, Postgrad Med J, 83 (2007), pp. 16-20, (in Eng)
  • 22 J. Walston, E.C. Hadley, L. Ferrucci, et al., Research agenda for frailty in older adults: toward a better understanding of physiology and etiology: summary from the American geriatrics society/national Institute on aging research conference on frailty in older adults, J Am Geriatr Soc, 54 (2006), pp. 991-1001, (in Eng)
  • 23 G. Berrut, S. Andrieu, I. Araujo de Carvalho, et al., Promoting access to innovation for frail old persons. IAGG (International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics), WHO (World Health Organization) and SFGG (Societe Francaise de Geriatrie et de Gerontologie) Workshop–Athens January 20-21, 2012, J Nutr Health Aging, 17 (2013), pp. 688-693, (in Eng)

page 348

community-dwelling: 地域在住の

According to previous systematic reviews,24, 25 the prevalence of frailty based on the Fried criteria among community-dwelling people aged 65 years and older ranged from 4% in a United States study26 to 27.3% in a Spanish study.27 One of these reviews performed a meta-analysis using data from 15 studies and showed that the weighted prevalence of physical frailty was 9.9%.24

  • これまでのシステマティックレビュー24, 25
  • 米国の研究26 で4%
  • スペインの研究27 で27.3%


  • hospitalized: 入院中の
  • institutionalized: 施設入所中の
  • community-dwelling: 地域在住の
  • 24 R.M. Collard, H. Boter, R.A. Schoevers, R.C. Oude Voshaar, Prevalence of frailty in community-dwelling older persons: a systematic review, J Am Geriatr Soc, 60 (2012), pp. 1487-1492, (in Eng)
  • 25 J. Choi, A. Ahn, S. Kim, C.W. Won, Global prevalence of physical frailty by Fried’s criteria in community-dwelling elderly with national population (in Eng)
  • 26 P.M. Cawthon, L.M. Marshall, Y. Michael, et al., Frailty in older men: prevalence, progression, and relationship with mortality, J Am Geriatr Soc, 55 (2007), pp. 1216-1223 (in Eng)
  • 27 B. Santos-Eggimann, P. Cuenoud, J. Spagnoli, J. Junod, Prevalence of frailty in middle-aged and older community-dwelling Europeans living in 10 countries, J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 64 (2009), pp. 675-681 (in Eng)

systematic-review: 系統レビュー
meta-analysis: メタ分析
community-dwelling: 地域在住。入院や施設入所していないこと
pool: メタ分析などで、共通のアウトカムをもつ複数の研究のデータを統合して再解析すること

In other selected populations, the prevalence of frailty has been reported to be much higher, such as in patients with cancer (range, 6–28%; based on the Fried criteria)28 and nursing home patients (pooled prevalence 46.9%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 27.7%–66.6%; based on the Fried criteria).29 Japanese studies were not included in the aforementioned reviews, and the evidence regarding the prevalence of frailty among the Japanese population is scarce in the literature. Understanding the current frailty status in Japan as an example of a rapidly aging society will be beneficial for research and health policy for Japan as well as any other countries experiencing rapid population aging.

The purposes of this systematic review and meta-analysis study were two-fold: to systematically search the literature for available evidence on the prevalence of physical frailty among Japanese community-dwelling older people, and to conduct a meta-analysis to synthesize the pooled prevalence of frailty.

  • 他の特定の集団では、フレイルの割合ははるかに高い


  • 日本の地域在住高齢者における身体的フレイルの有病率に関する利用可能な証拠を文献から系統的に検索すること
  • およびフレイルの有病率をプールして統合するメタアナリシスを実施すること
  • 28 C. Handforth, A. Clegg, C. Young, et al., The prevalence and outcomes of frailty in older cancer patients: a systematic review, Ann Oncol, 26 (2015), pp. 1091-1101 (in Eng)
  • 29 G. Kojima, Prevalence of frailty in nursing homes: a systematic review and meta-analysis, J Am Med Dir Assoc, 16 (2015), pp. 940-945 (in Eng)

page 348

pool: 統合すること
mean: 平均(値)
proportion: 割合
subgroup: サブグループ。解析対象者を男女別、年齢区分別に分けて解析する際にサブグループ化する
meta-analysis: メタ分析
stratify: 層別化。サブグループを作る際に行うこと

In general, people become frailer with age and females are more likely to be frailer than their male counterparts.24 However, since Japan is unique in its longevity,30 universal health insurance system, healthy Japanese food, enhanced awareness about healthy aging among the general public, and the so-called Japanese smoking paradox (Japanese people smoke more but develop less lung cancer than people in Western countries), Japanese people may have different courses and patterns of frailty status than other populations. In addition, merely pooling the prevalence of frailty without taking into consideration the cohort characteristics, such as mean age or female proportion, may obscure important subgroup differences. Therefore, we also performed meta-analyses stratified according to age and gender.

Quiz サブグループを作成する際に使った手法は何か?

  • stratification according to age and gender
  • universal health insurance system
  • 一般に、人は年齢とともにフレイルになり、女性は男性よりもフレイルになりやすい
  • 日本人は他の集団とは異なる経過とパターンでフレイル状態になる可能性もある
  • 年齢と性別で層別したメタ解析も行った
  • 24 R.M. Collard, H. Boter, R.A. Schoevers, R.C. Oude Voshaar, Prevalence of frailty in community-dwelling older persons: a systematic review, J Am Geriatr Soc, 60 (2012), pp. 1487-1492, (in Eng)
  • 30 L. Rodriguez-Manas, C. Feart, G. Mann, et al., Searching for an operational definition of frailty: a Delphi method based consensus statement: the frailty operative definition-consensus conference project, J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 68 (2013), pp. 62-67 (in Eng)


  • サブグループ解析: 全体のデータを解析した後に、いくつかのグループに分けて解析する。

第I種の過誤(有意差を偶然に見つける)の確率が増大する。 (p. 7)

サブグループ解析を行うならばプロトコールにあらかじめ記載しなければならない。 予定していなかったサブグループ解析による結果はあきまで探索的としてとらえることになる。 (p. 25)

  • 感度分析: 併合した結果から、各試験を1つずつ除いて、 あるいは出版されていない試験を除いて再計算することにより、結果の整合性が失われないかを検討するなどの方法で結論の頑健性を評価する。 (p. 34)




  • 大きい
  • 偶然では非常に起こりにくい
  • 研究開始前に仮説として決められていた解析結果に基づくものである
  • ほかの研究でも確認されている



まず、レビューに含まれる可能性のあるすべての研究の結果を要約する。 次に、最も質の低い研究を除外しては、分析を繰り返す。


sensitivity analysis: method to determine the robustness of an assessment by examining the extent to which results are changed by differences in methods, values of variables, or assumptions (p. 1076)

It may be appropriate to perform sensitivity analyses comparing results with and without inclusion of the large trial(s). (p. 1004)

Sensitivity analyses should be used to assess the potential bias caused by unmeasured confounding in mediation analyses. (p. 1010)

Note: p. 1004 は、サンプルサイズの大きい研究が少数ある際の記述。

ANA Manual of Style 11th Edition



page 348

A protocol was developed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement31 and has been published elsewhere.32

  • プロトコルは、他で発表されている。32
  • Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement31

日本では、臨床研究実施計画・研究概要公開システム (jRCT) や、その他の臨床試験情報登録センター(JAPIC、JMACCT、UMINCTR)がある。

Quiz メタ分析の論文を作成する際に参照する声明は何か?

  • 31 D. Moher, A. Liberati, J. Tetzlaff, D.G. Altman, Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement, 339 (2009), p. b2535 (in Eng)
  • 32 PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews, Prevalence of Frailty in Japan: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [homepage on the Internet]; c2016. Available from: http://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/display_record.asp?ID=CRD42016036112.

Data sources and search strategy

page 348

A systematic search of the literature was conducted in March 2015 for studies published in 2000 or later by two investigators (GK and YT) using ten electronic databases: Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, MEDLINE, LILACS, CINAHL Plus, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, AMED, and ICHUSHI Web, with explosion function if available and without language restriction. The search terms used for the databases, except those for ICHUSHI Web, are as follows: [(Frailty) OR (Frailty syndrome (Medical Subject Heading (MeSH)))] AND [(Japan*) OR (Japan (MeSH))]. ICHUSHI Web is a Japanese bibliographic database containing mainly Japanese articles and both English and Japanese terms can be used for searching. The search terms for ICHUSHI Web included (Frailty) and Japanese MeSH and text terms corresponding to frailty, and the studies were limited to original articles involving people aged 65 years or older, excluding case reports or case series. Other data sources included the manual search of bibliographies of the relevant articles, personal inquiries to experts in this field, and a search of another Japanese electronic database, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic (J-STAGE), using a search strategy similar to the one for ICHUSHI Web. Corresponding and/or last authors were contacted for additional data necessary for a meta-analysis. Ethics approval was not required, as this study did not involve human subjects.

Quiz GK と YT とは何を指しているか?

  • 著者 (Gotaro Kojima と Yu Taniguchi)
  • Goal Keeper と Young Translator
  • 2人の研究者(GK、YT)が10の電子データベースを用いて文献の系統的な検索を行った
  • 研究は 65 歳以上の高齢者を対象とした原著論文に限定
  • 本研究は人間を対象としないため、倫理的な承認は不要

Study selection and methodological quality assessment

page 348

Any studies providing or potentially capable of providing cross-sectional data regarding prevalence of frailty status defined using the Fried criteria or its modified versions among Japanese community-dwelling people aged 65 years and older in Japan were eligible. Studies were excluded if they used selected samples, such as people with certain diseases or conditions, or were a randomized controlled trial, review article, editorial, or comment. Gray literature, such as conference abstracts, was also considered. When multiple studies used the same cohort, the study with the largest sample size was included. A clinician researcher with an internal medicine and geriatric medicine background (GK) assessed the identified studies via screening titles, abstracts, and full texts. The studies considered as eligible were further assessed for methodological quality using six items from a tool for critically appraising studies of prevalence or incidence of a health problem developed by Loney et al.33 Studies meeting three or more of the six items were considered to have adequate methodological quality and were included in the meta-analysis.

Quiz cross-sectional の対義語は何か?

  • trans-sectional
  • longitudical
  • 日本の65歳以上の地域住民を対象に
  • Fried 基準またはその修正版で定義されたフレイル状態の有病率に関する横断的データを提供している
  • 無作為化比較試験、総説、論説、コメントなどの研究は除外
  • 内科学と老年医学のバックグラウンドを持つ臨床研究者(GK)が、タイトル、抄録、全文をスクリーニング
  • Loney et al.33 のツールで、方法論の質について評価した。
  • 33 P.L. Loney, L.W. Chambers, K.J. Bennett, J.G. Roberts, P.W. Stratford, Critical appraisal of the health research literature: prevalence or incidence of a health problem, Chronic Dis Can, 19 (1998), pp. 170-176 (in Eng)

Data extraction

page 348

The data collected directly from the included studies or provided by the authors upon request were first author’s name, cohort name if any, publication year, prefecture where the participants were recruited from, sample size, age (mean and range), proportion of female participants, percentage and the number of participants according to frailty categories (frail, prefrail, and robust), and cohort characteristics.

Quiz proportion はどういう意味か?

  • 体形
  • 割合
  • 筆頭著者名
  • コホート名(ある場合)
  • 発表年
  • 参加者を募集した都道府県
  • サンプルサイズ、年齢(平均値と範囲)
  • 女性参加者の割合
  • フレイルカテゴリー(フレイル、プレフレイル、頑健)
  • 33 P.L. Loney, L.W. Chambers, K.J. Bennett, J.G. Roberts, P.W. Stratford, Critical appraisal of the health research literature: prevalence or incidence of a health problem, Chronic Dis Can, 19 (1998), pp. 170-176 (in Eng)

Statistical analysis

page 348

The numbers of the entire cohort, as well as those classified frail, prefrail, and robust, were used for analysis. Heterogeneity across the studies was assessed using Cochran’s Q test, and heterogeneity was considered to be present when p < 0.05. The degree of heterogeneity was assessed using the I2 statistic. The I2 values of 25%, 50%, and 75% were considered as low, moderate, and high degrees of heterogeneity, respectively.34 Pooled prevalence and 95% CIs of frailty, prefrailty, and robustness were calculated using a random-effects model if heterogeneity was present and a fixed-effects model if heterogeneity was absent. Publication bias was assessed using Begg-Mazumdar’s35 and Egger’s36 tests and visually inspecting the funnel plots. All statistical analyses were completed using StatsDirect (ver. 2.8, StatsDirect, Cheshire, UK) and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Heterogeneity: qualities of groups that are aggregated are not similar. The term is commonly used in meta-analysis to denote that the studies aggregated in a single analysis are not similar to one another. The degree of heterogeneity is measured with the Q test or the I2 test. The antonym is homogeneity.
AMA Manual of Style 11th edition p. 1042
  • 異質性は Cochran の Q 検定で評価し、p < 0.05 のとき異質性があるとした
  • I2値が25%、50%、75%の場合はそれぞれ低、中、高度の異質性34 * 異質性がある場合はランダム効果モデル、異質性がない場合は固定効果モデル34
  • 出版バイアスは、Begg-Mazumdar の検定35および Egger の検定36 を用い、ファネルプロットを目視で確認
  • 34 J.P. Higgins, S.G. Thompson, J.J. Deeks, D.G. Altman, Measuring inconsistency in meta-analyses, BMJ, 327 (2003), pp. 557-560 (in Eng)
  • 35 C.B. Begg, M. Mazumdar, Operating characteristics of a rank correlation test for publication bias, Biometrics, 50 (1994), pp. 1088-1101, (in Eng)
  • 36 M. Egger, G. Davey Smith, M. Schneider, C. Minder, Bias in meta-analysis detected by a simple, graphical test, BMJ, 315 (1997), pp. 629-634 (in Eng)

Funnel plot

A funnel plot is a scatterplot of the effect size for each of the studies used in a meta-analysis vs some measure of the effect size’s precision and may e useful to assess the validity of the meta-analysis. In the absence of bias, the plot will resemble a symmetrical inverted funnel. Conversely, if bias exists, funnel plots will often be skewed and asymmetrical.
AMA Manual of Style 11th edition p. 143
Publication bias, or the tendency of authors and journals to publish articles with positive results, is a potential limitation of any systematic review of the literature. Unpublished studies may be included in meta-analysis if they meet predefined inclusion criteria. One approach to addressing whether publication bias might affect the results is to define the number of negative studies that would be needed to change the results of a meta-analysis from positive to negative. Authors may also provide funnel plots, which can also reveal publication bias.
AMA Manual of Style 11th edition p. 1003


Selection processes

page 349

The systematic search of the literature using ten electronic databases identified 1521 citations, and eight additional citations were found through other sources. Of these 1529 citations, 443 were duplicates and were removed, and 1058 citations were excluded through title and abstract screening. Twenty eight studies were left for full-text review, of which 23 studies were excluded because they used the same cohort (n = 11), used a method other than the Fried criteria to define frailty (n = 10), or used a selected sample (n = 2), leaving five included studies. The methodological quality of the five studies was assessed and considered to be adequate for meta-analysis (Fig. 1).

  • 34 J.P. Higgins, S.G. Thompson, J.J. Deeks, D.G. Altman, Measuring inconsistency in meta-analyses, BMJ, 327 (2003), pp. 557-560 (in Eng)
  • 35 C.B. Begg, M. Mazumdar, Operating characteristics of a rank correlation test for publication bias, Biometrics, 50 (1994), pp. 1088-1101, (in Eng)
  • 36 M. Egger, G. Davey Smith, M. Schneider, C. Minder, Bias in meta-analysis detected by a simple, graphical test, BMJ, 315 (1997), pp. 629-634 (in Eng)


  • 1529件
  • 28件
  • 5件
  • 10の電子データベースを用いた文献の系統的検索
  • 1529件の引用
  • 443件は重複のため削除し、1058件はタイトルと抄録のスクリーニングにより除外
  • 28件の研究が全文レビュー
  • 23件は、同じコホートを使用している(n = 11)、フレイルの定義に Fried 基準以外の方法を使用している(n = 10)、または選択標本を使用している(n = 2)ため除外
  • 5件の研究

Study characteristics

page 349

The characteristics of the five included studies are summarized in Table 1. Four studies37, 38, 39, 40 were published as journal articles, and one study41 was presented as a poster at a scientific meeting. All studies were published in 2011 or later. Two studies39, 41 were conducted in prefectures around or near Tokyo (Gunma, Ibaraki, Chiba, and Fukushima Prefectures). The other studies37, 38, 40 were from more western areas (Fukuoka, Aichi, and Kyoto Prefectures). Sample sizes ranged from 48340 to 8864.38 Mean age was similar among four studies at 73.3–74.3 years,37, 38, 40, 41 and one study did not report the mean age or age range.39 While one study included only female participants,41 the remaining studies were mixed, with approximately 50–70% females.37, 38, 39, 40 No studies used cohorts of a nationally representative elderly population. Three studies37, 38, 39 used locally representative cohorts and two used samples originally recruited at health events.40, 41 Exclusion criteria were provided in three studies,37, 38, 40 which excluded individuals with disability,38, 40 neurological and cognitive disorders,37, 38, 40 or those using long-term care services.37, 38, 40

「5つの研究の ( ____ ) は、は48340から8864まであった。」空欄に当てはまるのは何か?

  • サンプル数
  • サンプルサイズ
  • 2つの研究39, 41 は東京近郊の県(群馬県、茨城県、千葉県、福島県)、他の研究37, 38, 40 は、西の地域(福岡県、愛知県、京都府)
  • サンプルサイズは48340から8864まであった。38
  • 平均年齢は73.3-74.3歳と4つの研究でほぼ同じ
  • 3件の研究37, 38, 39 は地域を代表するコホート
  • 2件はもともと健康イベントで募集したサンプル
  • 介護サービスを利用している人は除外37, 38, 40
  • 37 S. Chen, T. Honda, K. Narazaki, T. Chen, Y. Nofuji, S. Kumagai, Global cognitive performance and frailty in non-demented community-dwelling older adults: findings from the Sasaguri Genkimon Study, Geriatr Gerontol Int, 16 (2016), pp. 729-736 (in Eng)
  • 38 H. Shimada, H. Makizako, S. Lee, et al., Impact of cognitive frailty on daily activities in older persons, J Nutr health & aging (2016), pp. 1-7
  • 39 S. Shinkai, N. Watanabe, H. Yoshida, et al., Validity of the “Kaigo-Yobo check-list” as a frailty index, Nihon Koshu Eisei Zasshi, 60 (2013), pp. 262-274 (in Jpn)
  • 40 H. Shirooka, S. Nishiguchi, N. Fukutani, et al. Cognitive impairment is associated with the absence of fear of falling in community-dwelling frail older adults, Geriatr Gerontol Int (2016) (in Eng)
  • 41 S. Seino, N. Yabushita, M-J. Kim, et al., Is upper extremity performance associated with frailty in community-dwelling older Women?: 2617: board# 225 June 3 9: 00 AM-10: 30 AM, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 43 (2011), pp. 723-724
Study Sample size Frail
Shirooka 483 8.3%
Chen 1565 9.5%
Shimada 8864 8.4%
Shinkai 526 5.7%
Seino 502 4.6%

Prevalence of frailty

page 350

significant: (統計学的に)有意の
random-effects models: ランダム効果
pool: データを統合すること
publication bias: 出版バイアス

Data from five studies were available for meta-analysis of the prevalence of frailty status. The prevalence of frailty, prefrailty, and robustness in individual studies ranged 4.6%–9.5%, 38.0%–65.2%, and 26.5%–56.3%, respectively. Since significant degrees of heterogeneity were observed across the studies for the three frailty categorizations (I2 = 79.2%–97.1%, all p < 0.001), random-effects models were used. The pooled prevalences of frailty, prefrailty, and robustness were 7.4% (95% CI, 6.1%–9.0%), 48.1% (95% CI, 41.6%–54.8%), and 44.4% (95% CI, 37.2%–51.7%), respectively (Fig. 2). There was no evidence of publication bias according to Begg-Mazumdar’s and Egger’s tests (all p > 0.05) and visual inspection of the funnel plots (not shown).

Quiz ランダム効果モデルを用いない場合、どういったモデルを用いるか?

  • 固定効果モデル
  • プラモデル


  • フレイル: 4.6%〜9.5%
  • プレフレイル: 38.0%〜65.2%
  • 頑健: 26.5%〜56.3%
  • 有意な異質性(I2 = 79.2%-97.1%, すべて p < 0.001)
  • ランダム効果モデルを使用
  • 出版バイアスの証拠はない

線形混合効果モデルは、応答変数 (y) が

  • グローバル切片
  • 固定効果による変化
  • ランダム効果カテゴリのメンバーシップによる偏差
  • 固定効果やランダム効果で説明できない残差変動


DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9522/fig-1

Stratified analysis

page 350

Additional data were obtained upon request from the authors of four studies37, 38, 40, 41 and were used for meta-analysis stratified by age, gender, and both. The pooled prevalence of frailty in five age groups (65–69, 70–74, 75–79, 80–84, and ≥85 years old) was 1.9%, 3.8%, 10.0%, 20.4%, and 35.1%, respectively (Fig. 3). As one study41 included only women, four studies37, 38, 40, 41 were used for stratified meta-analysis for women, while three studies37, 38, 40 were used for men. The pooled prevalence of frailty was 8.1% for women and 7.6% for men (Fig. 3). When stratified by both age group and gender, prevalence of frailty increased with age in men and women. More women were frail than men in most age groups, except for 70–74 years old (Table 2).

stratification: division into groups. Stratification may be used to compare groups separated according to similar confounding characteristics. Stratified sampling may be used to increase the number of individuals sampled in rare categories of independent variables or to obtain an adequate sample size to examine differences among individuals with certain characteristics of interest.
AMA Manual of Style 11th Edition p. 1979

Quiz 層別化する際の問題点は何か?

  • サンプルサイズが小さくなるので、サンプルサイズを大きくする必要がある
  • 層別化しない解析と結果が異なる
  • 年齢、性別、両方で層別化
  • 5つの年齢群(65-69歳、70-74歳、75-79歳、80-84歳、≧85歳)におけるフレイルの統合有病率は、それぞれ1.9%、3.8%、10.0%、20.4%、35.1%
  • 女性は8.1%、男性で7.6%
  • 70-74歳を除くほとんどの年齢層で、男性より女性の方がフレイルが多い

Changes in heterogeneity

page 350

A high degree of heterogeneity persisted among women (I2 = 81.8%, p < 0.001) and the younger three age groups: 65–69, 70–74, and 75–79 years (I2 = 68.6%–81.1%, all p < 0.05), while the heterogeneity decreased to non-significant levels among men (I2 = 42.4%, p = 0.18) and in the older two age groups: 80–84 and ≥ 85 years old (I2 = 0%–54.2%, all p > 0.05), which suggests that the high heterogeneity may be partially explained via variations in gender and age.

  • 女性(I2 = 81.8%, p < 0.001)
  • 65-69歳、70-74歳、75-79歳の若い3つの年齢層では高い異質性(I2 = 68.6%-81.1%, all p < 0.05)
  • 男性(I2 = 42.4%、p=0.18)
  • 80-84歳と≧85歳の高齢者群(I2 =0%-54.2%、すべてp>0.05)では、高い異質性が性別と年齢による変動で部分的に説明できる

Forest plot


page 350

This systematic review and meta-analysis identified five studies incorporating 11,940 Japanese people aged 65 years or older living in the community and demonstrated that the pooled prevalences of frailty, prefrailty, and robustness based on the Fried criteria were 7.4%, 48.1%, and 44.4%, respectively. Stratified analyses showed that women were frailer than men and that prevalence of frailty increased with age.

Quiz Discussion の第1段落には何が書かれているか?

  • 先行研究の要約
  • 結果の要約
  • 地域在住の65歳以上の日本人11,940人を組み入れた5つの研
  • フレイル: 7.4%
  • プレフレイル: 48.1%
  • 頑健: 44.4%
  • 女性は男性よりもフレイル
  • 年齢とともに増加する

page 350

community-dwelling: 地域在住
meta-analysis: メタ分析
mean: 平均

Two previous systematic reviews24, 25 reported the prevalence of frailty in multinational community-dwelling elderly populations, and one24 of these further performed meta-analysis. Our review included only Japanese older people, and it showed some distinctive and notable findings compared with these previous reviews. First, the range of frailty prevalence reported by the included studies (4.6–9.5%) was much narrower than that of previous reviews (4.0–17.0%24 and 4.9–27.3%,25 both based on the Fried criteria). This can be explained by the fact that the current review included only Japanese older people in Japan, while the previous reviews included cohorts from multiple different countries; therefore, there may have been less between-individual and between-study variations in the prevalence of frailty in our review than in the previous ones. Another possible explanation is that the included cohorts were similar in terms of age because the mean age and age range of the cohorts were fairly close (mean age ranged from 73.3 to 74.3 years, and included age ranges were nearly identical) (Table 1). …

  • 過去に2つの多国籍なシステマティックレビュー24, 25

  • 今回のレビューでは、日本人高齢者のみを対象

  • 日本のフレイル有病率の範囲(4.6~9.5%)は、過去のレビュー(4.0~17.0%24、4.9~27.3%)25 の範囲よりも狭い

  • 日本の高齢者のみを対象としていたため、ばらつきが少なかったと考えられる。

  • 対象コホートが年齢的に似ていた

page 350

pool: 統合する
recruit: 応募する
exclude: 除外する

… Second, our pooled prevalence of frailty based on the Fried criteria (7.5%; 95% CI, 6.1%–9.0%) was lower than weighted prevalence of physically-defined frailty by Collard et al. (9.9%; 95% CI, 9.6%–10.2%).24 Among the studies included in our review, some recruited participants from health events40, 41 or a health check-up39 or excluded those with activities of daily living (ADL) disability,38, 40 which may have contributed to a lower pooled prevalence of frailty than that of the general elderly population. It should be noted that our review and that of Collard et al.24 used different statistical methodologies and included studies using different frailty criteria.

  • 我々のフレイルの有病率(7.5%;95%CI、6.1〜9.0%)は、Collard et al.24 による身体的に定義されたフレイルの加重有病率(9.9%;95%CI、9.6〜10.2%) よりも低い
  • 健康イベント40, 41 や健康診断39 から参加者を募集、日常生活動作(ADL)に障害のある人を除外が低くする原因になっている可能性がある
  • 私たちのレビューと Collard et al.24 のレビューは、異なる統計手法を用い、異なるフレイル基準を用いた研究を含んでいる

page 350

… Third, stratified meta-analyses were performed to further examine the pooled prevalence of frailty according to age and gender. The result of the gender-stratified analysis showing that women were frailer than men was not surprising and was in line with previous reports.24 As also expected, the age-stratified analysis showed that the prevalence of frailty increased steadily with age. In a previous review,24 age-stratified weighted prevalence of frailty (based on any frailty definition) among community-dwelling older people from multiple countries was approximately 4% in those aged 65–69 years; 7% in those aged 70–74 years; 10% in those aged 75–79 years; 16% in those aged 80–84 years; and 26% in those aged ≥85 years. Compared with these findings, our review showed that the younger two age groups had lower prevalence (1.9% in those aged 65–69 years and 3.8% in those aged 70–74 years), the 75–79-year age group had the same prevalence (10.0%), and older age groups had higher prevalence (20.4% in those aged 80–84 years and 35.1% in those aged ≥85 years). The reasons why the prevalence of frailty was lower in the young elderly and higher in the older elderly in our study are not clear. One possibility, given the high life expectancy among Japanese, is that non-Japanese frail older people die early, which leads to lower prevalence of frailty in later years due to the heathy survivor effect,42 while Japanese frail older people survive longer, which leads to higher prevalence of frailty in their 80’s and later. Further research regarding the impact of environmental factors and ethnic background on frailty status and progression may be helpful to elucidate this discrepancy.

  • 女性が男性よりもフレイルであることは、これまでの報告と一致 24
  • フレイルの有病率は年齢とともに確実に増加する
  • 複数の国の地域在住高齢者におけるフレイル(任意のフレイル定義に基づく)の年齢層別加重有病率は、65〜69歳で約4%、70〜74歳で約7%、75〜79歳で約10%、80〜84歳で16%、85歳以上で26%
  • 若い年齢層は有病率が低く(65-69歳で1.9%、70-74歳で3.8%)、75-79歳の年齢層は同程度(10.0%)、高齢層は高い(80-84歳で20.4%、85歳以上で35.1%)
  • 日本人以外のフレイル高齢者は早く亡くなるため、ヒートサバイバー効果42 により後年のフレイル有病率が低くなる可能性

page 351

disability: 障害
institutionalization: 施設入所

There are two tools that have been developed and used in Japan for identifying vulnerable older adults with high risks not specifically for frailty but for general adverse health outcomes, such as dependency, disability, or institutionalization.

Quiz institutiolization の意味は何か?

  • 施設入所
  • 制度化
  • 日本では、フレイルを特定するためのツールが2つある

page 351

The Kihon Checklist (KCL) is a self-reported comprehensive questionnaire consisting of 25 simple questions covering multiple domains of instrumental ADL, physical function, oral function, nutrition, cognition, social activity, and depressive mood. The checklist was originally developed by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in 2005–2006, when the long-term care insurance system, which had originally been started in 2000, was reformed to focus more on prevention.43 This questionnaire has been widely used in Japanese local municipal offices and centers as an initial screening tool to identify at-risk older individuals and, if necessary, initiate interventional programs and facilitate various governmental long-term care and support services according to their conditions. This tool was validated as a screening tool for frailty and shown to have good-to-excellent accuracy: the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) to predict frailty (defined by the Fried criteria) was 0.92 in a sample of geriatric outpatients with chronic diseases44 and 0.88 in a sample of community-dwelling older people.45 One study involving 14,636 Japanese elderly aged 65 years or older identified 38.0% as frail based on the KCL; frail participants were significantly more likely to be newly certified for long-term-care insurance over 1 year than those who were non-frail (OR 3.80; 95% CI, 3.02–4.78).46


  • 手段的ADL、身体機能、口腔機能、栄養、認知、社会活動、抑うつ気分
  • 25の簡単な質問からなる自己報告型
  • フレイルを予測するAUCは0.9244
  • 地域在住の高齢者のサンプルにおいてはAUC = 0.88 45
  • KCL に基づいて 38.0%がフレイルと判定46
  • フレイルはフレイルでない参加者に比べて介護保険の認定を受ける確率が有意に高かった(OR 3.80; 95% CI, 3.02-4.78 )46

page 351

Another tool is the Frailty Index for Japanese elderly (FI-J), also known as the Kaigo-Yobo Checklist, which is a 15-item questionnaire to identify older adults at high risk of becoming dependent or in need of long-term care.47 This index has also been validated for frailty screening in a population-based study, with good accuracy to predict Fried criteria-defined frailty (AUC = 0.89), and frailty defined by this index was a significant predictor of incident difficulties in ADL (OR 3.42; 95% CI, 1.79–6.54 over 4 years), incident long-term-care certification (HR 3.50; 95% CI, 2.41–5.07 over 5 years), and mortality (HR 2.43; 95% CI, 1.70–3.47 over 5 years) independent of age, gender, and presence of comorbidity.39


  • Fried 基準で定義されたフレイルの予測精度は高く(AUC=0.89)
  • ADL困難の契機の有意な予測因子(OR 3. 42; 95% CI, 1.79-6.54 over 4 years)
  • 介護認定(HR 3.50; 95% CI, 2.41-5.07 over 5 years)
  • ADL困難の発症(OR 3. 42; 95% CI, 1.79-6.54 over 4 years)
  • 介護認定(HR 3.50; 95% CI, 2.41-5.07 over 5 years)
  • 死亡率(HR 2.43; 95% CI, 1.70-3.47 over 5 years)
  • 47 S. Shinkai, N. Watanabe, H. Yoshida, et al., Research on screening for frailty: development of “the Kaigo-Yobo Checklist”, Nihon Koshu Eisei Zasshi, 57 (2010), pp. 345-354, (in Jpn)

pages 351-352

These feasible self-report questionnaires are easy to implement and have potential as frailty screening tools covering multidimensional components. Now that both have been shown to identify, with good-to-excellent accuracy, Fried-defined frail older people, future research can be designed to compare their abilities to predict important outcomes, such as mortality or the long-term-care need, with other widely used frailty criteria, or to use these tools as a continuous index similar to the Rockwood Frailty Index,48 instead of the two-group dichotomization (frailty vs. non-frailty), in order to make the most of the nature as a continuous score to evaluate and capture frailty status in a graded manner. These attempts may lead to the discovery of the best frailty measure suitable for Japanese community-dwelling older people.

  • 自己報告式の質問票は、実施が容易
  • 両者とも、Fried 定義のフレイル高齢者を良好な精度で同定できる
  • 今後は、死亡率や要介護度などの重要なアウトカムを予測する能力を、広く用いられている他のフレイル基準と比較できる
  • 2グループ(フレイル/非フレイル)ではなくロックウッド式フレイル指数48 と同様の連続指数として使用したりする研究を計画できる

page 352

The findings of the current review need to be interpreted with caution. First, the pooled prevalence of frailty synthesized from the included studies may be smaller than the true prevalence. As mentioned earlier, some of the included studies recruited older people at health events40, 41 or a municipal annual health check-up,39 and some studies excluded those with ADL disability.38, 40 Therefore, the population included in the meta-analysis may be more health conscious and/or less disabled, possibly resulting in a pooled prevalence of frailty lower than that of general older population in Japan. Despite this possibility, the age-stratified meta-analyses suggest that prevalence of frailty is not necessarily lower in all age groups compared with other countries’ populations: Japanese people aged 80 years or older are frailer than their international counterparts (Fig. 3 and a previous review24 ). …

  • 対象となった研究から合成されたフレイルの統合有病率は、真の有病率よりも小さい可能性
    • 健康イベント40, 41 や自治体の年次健康診断で高齢者を募集している39
    • ADL障害のある人を除外した研究38, 40
  • 日本人の80歳以上の高齢者は、海外の高齢者に比べてフレイルである

page 352

… Second, all studies included in the meta-analysis defined frailty using not the original version of the Fried criteria but versions with some modifications to some or all of the five components, apparently due to data availability. One example is that, while Fried et al. originally defined slow gait speed as being in the slowest 20% of usual walking speed stratified by gender and height, Shirooka et al. and Shimada et al. defined slow gait speed as a walking speed of less than 1.0 m/s. These modifications may have influenced the findings.49 Third, a high degree of heterogeneity was observed across the studies included in the meta-analysis (I2 = 79.2%, p < 0.001). This may be due to the effects of age distribution and/or gender proportion of the cohorts, since additional analyses stratifying the cohorts by age and gender alleviated the degree of heterogeneity in some groups. Fourth, a limited number of studies were included in this review, and the sample sizes of the studies were relatively small. Future research should include more studies with larger cohorts, especially for the oldest participants (85 years or older).

Quiz 数値と記号の間に半角スペースが入るのはどれか?

  • 数値 + 単位
  • 変数 等号・不等号 数値
  • 数値 %


  • Fried et al.: 性別と身長で層別した通常の歩行速度の最も遅い20%
  • Shirooka et al. と Shimada et al.: 1.0 m/s 未満

研究間で高い異質性が観察された(I2 = 79.2%, p < 0.001)。


page 352

A major strength of this review is the robust methodology: the literature was comprehensively searched using 11 electronic databases; the identified studies were screened with standardized processes and assessed for heterogeneity, methodological quality, and publication bias; meta-analyses were repeated with stratification by age and gender. This review is the first to provide pooled evidence on the prevalence of frailty status among Japanese community-dwelling older people, and the findings are valuable and beneficial for clinicians, researchers, and policymakers. This information will help clinicians to treat older patients appropriately, stratifying the risks and life courses based on their frailty status. The overall prevalence of frailty among Japanese older people in the community is fundamental information for researchers and can be used to design population-based studies or randomized controlled trials, or to investigate pathophysiology or predictors of frailty. Policymakers may also use the information to effectively distribute limited health care resources and to translate the research findings into planning healthcare services.

Quiz 本研究の強みとして正しいものはどれか?

  • 5つのデータベースを使った
  • 異質性、方法論の質、出版バイアスについて評価した


  • 11の電子データベース
  • 標準的なプロセスでスクリーニングし、
  • 異質性、方法論の質、出版バイアスについて評価
  • 年齢と性別で層別化

page 352

In summary, this review has shown that the pooled prevalences of frailty, prefrailty, and robustness among Japanese community-dwelling older people were 7.5%, 48.1%, and 44.4%, respectively. These findings provide important basic information for all parties involved in Japanese frailty research. The age-stratified analysis showed the possibility that Japanese older people are less frail before their late 70’s but frailer in later life than older people in other countries.


  • フレイル 7.5%
  • プレフレイル 48.1%
  • 頑健 44.4%


  • 70代後半まではフレイルが少ない
  • それ以降はフレイルが多い



  • meta-analysis
    • pool
    • publication bias
    • funnel plot
    • PRISMA statement
  • frailty
    • Fried or Cardiovascular Health Study
    • Kihon Check List
  • community-dwelling
    • institutionalization (英 institutiolisation)