2  フレイル

Saturday Morning RStudio 勉強会

2.1 フレイルの定義


  • 1 PubMed または Google Scholar を使い、frailty について検索してみなさい。

    • Fried LP, Tangen CM, Walston J, Newman AB, Hirsch C, Gottdiener J, … & McBurnie MA (2001) Frailty in older adults: evidence for a phenotype. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 56(3), M146-M157.
    • Clegg A, Young J, Iliffe S, Rikkert MO, & Rockwood K (2013). Frailty in elderly people. The Lancet, 381(9868), 752-762.
    • Rockwood K, Song X, MacKnight C, Bergman H, Hogan DB, McDowell I, & Mitnitski A (2005) A global clinical measure of fitness and frailty in elderly people. CMAJ, 173(5), 489-495.

    さて、これらのなかで必ず読むべき論文はどれか?と聞かれたら、全てです。その中で一つというならば、おそらく Clegg A (2013) The Lancet となります。比較的新しいのと、ジャーナルが有名という点です。

    ただし、ここでは Fried LP (2001) The Journals of Gerontology Series A2 を読んでみたいと思います。理由としては、フレイルの定義としてもっとも定着している Phenotype 法を提唱した論文だからです。Fried LP (2001) の中身そのものが医師国家試験で出題されたことがあります。

  • 2 The Journals of Gerontology Series A とは、どのようなジャーナルか?

  • 第113回 F 27


    a 易疲労感

    b 握力の低下

    c 睡眠時間の短縮

    d 歩行速度の低下

    e 日常生活活動量の低下

    2.2 論文

    Fried LP, Tangen CM, Walston J, Newman AB, Hirsch C, Gottdiener J, … & McBurnie MA (2001) Frailty in older adults: evidence for a phenotype. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 56(3), M146-M157.


    著者はたくさんいますが、第一著者は Linda P. Fried で、当時の所属 (affiliation) は The Johns Hopkins Medical Institution でした。3

  • 3 What is her current affiliation?

  • この論文はオープンアクセスではないので、Abstract と Figure 3 のみ読みます。


    2.3 Abstract

    Abstract は、構造化されています。

    Background. Frailty is considered highly prevalent in old age and to confer high risk for falls, disability, hospitalization, and mortality. Frailty has been considered synonymous with disability, comorbidity, and other characteristics, but it is recognized that it may have a biologic basis and be a distinct clinical syndrome. A standardized definition has not yet been established.

    Frailty is considered 1{highly prevalent in old age} and 2{to confer high risk for falls, disability, hospitalization, and mortality}.

    considered とされているのは2つあります。

    confer: 授与する

    fall: 転倒

    hospitalization: 入院


    とくに、障害と重複疾患 (comorbidity) に焦点を当てようとしています。

    Methods. To develop and operationalize a phenotype of frailty in older adults and assess concurrent and predictive validity, the study used data from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Participants were 5,317 men and women 65 years and older (4,735 from an original cohort recruited in 1989–90 and 582 from an African American cohort recruited in 1992–93). Both cohorts received almost identical baseline evaluations and 7 and 4 years of follow-up, respectively, with annual examinations and surveillance for outcomes including incident disease, hospitalization, falls, disability, and mortality.

    To develop and operationalize a phenotype of frailty in older adults and assess concurrent and predictive validity, …

    considered とされているのは2つあります。

    operationalize: 操作化。

    phenotype: 表現型。





    本研究は Cardiovascular Health Study のデータを使用した、とあります。Cardiovascular Health Study とは、それだけでたくさんの記事が書かれている有名な研究です。名称からわかるように、これ自体はフレイルのための研究ではなく、心疾患などのための研究です。

    このため、Fried 基準は CHS 基準と呼ばれることもあります。

    Results. Frailty was defined as a clinical syndrome in which three or more of the following criteria were present: unintentional weight loss (10 lbs in past year), self-reported exhaustion, weakness (grip strength), slow walking speed, and low physical activity. The overall prevalence of frailty in this community-dwelling population was 6.9%; it increased with age and was greater in women than men. Four-year incidence was 7.2%. Frailty was associated with being African American, having lower education and income, poorer health, and having higher rates of comorbid chronic diseases and disability. There was overlap, but not concordance, in the cooccurrence of frailty, comorbidity, and disability. This frailty phenotype was independently predictive (over 3 years) of incident falls, worsening mobility or ADL disability, hospitalization, and death, with hazard ratios ranging from 1.82 to 4.46, unadjusted, and 1.29–2.24, adjusted for a number of health, disease, and social characteristics predictive of 5-year mortality. Intermediate frailty status, as indicated by the presence of one or two criteria, showed intermediate risk of these outcomes as well as increased risk of becoming frail over 3–4 years of follow-up (odds ratios for incident frailty = 4.51 unadjusted and 2.63 adjusted for covariates, compared to those with no frailty criteria at baseline).


    • unintentional weight loss (10 lbs in past year)
    • self-reported exhaustion
    • weakness (grip strength)
    • slow walking speed, and
    • low physical activity


    There was overlap, but not concordance, in the occurrence of frailty, comorbidity, and disability.


    Conclusions. This study provides a potential standardized definition for frailty in community-dwelling older adults and offers concurrent and predictive validity for the definition. It also finds that there is an intermediate stage identifying those at high risk of frailty. Finally, it provides evidence that frailty is not synonymous with either comorbidity or disability, but comorbidity is an etiologic risk factor for, and disability is an outcome of, frailty. This provides a potential basis for clinical assessment for those who are frail or at risk, and for future research to develop interventions for frailty based on a standardized ascertainment of frailty.

    This study provides a potential standardized definition for frailty in community-dwelling older adults ….


    “This study provides a potential standardized definition” は、直訳すると「本研究は、可能性のある標準定義を提供する」となります。これでは日本語らしくないので、「本研究は、標準定義を提供する可能性がある」としました。DeepL などの自動翻訳もこのような置き換えをしています。

    … comorbidity is an etiologic risk factor for, and disability is an outcome of, frailty.



    重複疾患 \(\rightarrow\) フレイル \(\rightarrow\) 障害


    2.4 Figure 3


    Fig. 3 displays the overlap between these characteristics, as well as with the presence of two or more comorbid diseases. There was only modest concordance between frailty and disability. Of those who were frail, 46% had comorbid disease, 6% had ADL disability, 22% had both comorbid disease and ADL disability, and 27% had neither ADL disability nor comorbidity.

    割合は、フレイル以外の人は除外し、フレイルの人 (21 + 79 + 170 + 98 = 368) を母数とした割合になっています。

    重複疾患 (comorbidity) を持っている人は、79 + 170 = 249 人です。割合は、249/368 = 68% のはずですが、ここでは重複疾患を持っておりADL障害を持っていない 170/368 = 46% と報告しています。ここはちょっと不正確な印象があります。

    2.5 演習

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